Showing posts with label Supercharger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supercharger. Show all posts

05 August 1997

Supercharger Tapes Brag

[Originally posted to]

I was doing a quick thrift run Monday. Second stop was a pawn shop where I'd spotted a copy of Destructor Friday, but didn't have the two bucks for it. After I got home, I discovered it's actually a Super-Action Baseball in a Destructor case. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. The title screen comes up, and then when it should go away, it just blinks and comes back. (Do I have to have Super Action controllers in order just to get the game up?) It really doesn't matter what it is since I don't have a driving controller (exp. mod. #2) or Super Action controllers.

Anyway, I was at my last stop, not expecting to find anything. Wandered by the cassette tapes to give them a glance. That's where I used to be able to find cartridges. None have appeared there for a long time now. Giving them the once over, I quickly decided there weren't any carts. Then I noticed, "hey, there's a big six on the side of that cassette case. Could it be?" It was! Dragonstomper for the Supercharger!

An immediate and thorough search of the tapes ensued. I came up with these for the Supercharger:
  • Fireball (R)
  • Suicide Mission (R)
  • Dragonstomper (ER)
  • Killer Satellites (R)
All were just the cassettes in their cases (with cassette overlay...or whatever you call it). No instructions or game boxes. Unfortunately for me, I already have all of them but Dragonstomper. (And of course I have Stella Gets a New Brain, so I actually have all the games, but it's more fun to have the original format.) Oddly enough, I found just the manual for Dragonstomper last year, so it will go well with that.

While looking through the tapes, I also found these Adam Data Packs:
  • Buck Rogers (x2; one was even shrinkwrapped)
  • Donkey Kong
  • blank (x2)
So I finally get to try out the Adam DK. It's better than the normal Colecovision version, but still not as good as the arcade.

I scoured the store looking for the Supercharger that went with the tapes to no avail. I also saw no hint of an Adam or Colecovision. I figure A) they haven't put them out yet, B) they've already been bought (But who would buy a Supercharger without looking for the tapes?), B') the Supercharger went in one of those stupid grab bags and someone bought it, or C) they shipped it off to a Birmingham store. Eventually I'm going to ask why they don't seem to get many video games in any more.

BTW, I forgot to mention the price. Twenty-five cents each! Apparently I went the right day, because today I went back in case the Supercharger appeared. I found another blank Adam Data Pack, but there was a different lady behind the register who charged me $0.50 for it.

[The letters after the games indicate their rarity based on VGR's Atari 2600 rarity list. R is rare and ER is extremely rare.]